Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Stan Lee Will Show Up in The Amazing Spider-Man

The Dallas Comic-Con was held over the weekend, and comic book legend Stan Lee participated in one of the panel discussions where he revealed what his cameo role is in The Amazing Spider-Man. Take a look at what he had to say below.

"There is a big battle going on with Spider-Man and the Lizard in a library. I am the librarian. And I am stamping books. I am just stamping books. I have earphones on, and I'm listening to music. While I'm stamping the books, I am (dancing). And this life and death battle is going on behind me. But I don't know this! It looks so funny. And I look so dumb. It always matters to me if I look dumb. That's it!"

We reported back in January that Stan Lee was set for a cameo in The Amazing Spider-Man, although we didn't know any further details about the role, until now. You can click on the video player below to watch Stan Lee discuss this small role while at the Dallas Comic-Con.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Marc Webb Officially Directing the Next Spider-Man Film

Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios have both made the joint announcement that Marc Webb will indeed direct the next film in the franchise.

Marc Webb, whom I really love when he did (500) Days of Summer, will direct the next chapter in the Spider-Man franchise, set to hit theaters summer 2012, it was jointly announced today by Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios.

Written by James Vanderbilt, Webb will work closely with producers Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin in developing the project, which will begin production later this year.

Webb said,
"This is a dream come true and I couldn't be more aware of the challenge, responsibility, or opportunity. Sam Raimi's virtuoso rendering of Spider-Man is a humbling precedent to follow and build upon. The first three films are beloved for good reason. But I think the Spider-Man mythology transcends not only generations but directors as well. I am signing on not to 'take over' from Sam. That would be impossible. Not to mention arrogant. I'm here because there's an opportunity for ideas, stories, and histories that will add a new dimension, canvas, and creative voice to Spider-Man."
Are they really reinventing Peter Parker? I'm not sure on how this Spider-Man reboot will be different from what Tobey Maguire showcased.

Amazing Spider-Man is On and Spider-Man 4 is Postponed

This is the good thing about having a famous franchise movie like Spider-Man. You will be torn between a sequel or a prequel and the likelihood of both being so successful is close mammoth dollars topping the box office.

Sony Entertainment has decided to drop Spider-Man 4 and instead, do a reboot, according to Entertainment Weekly.

According to studio insiders, Sony was working on both Raimi's Spider-Man 4 and the new origin story from James Vanderbilt, who wrote Zodiac. The original plan was to keep the Spider-Man gang together for one last film in 2011 before rebooting the series in 2012. When it became clear that Raimi would not be able to make the summer 2011 release date planned for Spider-Man 4, the studio opted to scrap Spider-Man 4 altogether, and focus solely on the series reboot.

Vanderbilt's remake script was also said to be a grittier take on Peter Parker's world.

This time around, the series will place Peter Parker in a more contemporary setting, as a teenager battling today's issues.

Well, whatever they are going to with Peter Parker, fine by me. As long as they are going to pursue making Spider-Man movies.

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